A caring community with a holistic approach to wellness Government funding helps take care of the basics, but those dollars are stretched thin. It is thanks to donors that Baycrest is able to offer extras that truly add life to years! Only about two-thirds of Baycrest’s overall revenue comes from government. That’s why our partnership with donors is so important. Your support allows Baycrest to go above and beyond, and really make a difference in the lives of people on our campus and in the surrounding community. Here are some of the ways that your donations enable Baycrest to deliver the best possible compassionate care: Purchase of medicine carts, beds, bathtubs and other equipment Cafe Europa – a social and recreational program for Holocaust survivors. Support groups and counselling for people caring for a family member with dementia. Adult Day Centre – offered to older adults, including some with cognitive impairment, who live in their own homes in the community and benefit from stimulating activities and social engagement. Buddy’s Glee Club singing groups and concerts to entertain older adults and provide them with opportunities for social interaction Support for Volunteer Services: pet therapy, friendly phone calls to homebound members of the community, eating assistance and much more. Funding for the Jeff and Diane Ross Movement Disorders Clinic and the Elkie Adler MS Clinic. Mental health programs, including mindfulness sessions that help people suffering from depression. Kosher food and on-site spiritual care Mobile art cart to inspire passion and creativity Support for the Sam and Ida Ross Memory Clinic