Research – Brain Science Empowered by Donors

To be a global leader in the field of aging and brain health, driving key scientific advances to better prevent, detect, and treat dementia and other neurological disorders.
Rotman Research Institute
16,485 active research participants, 26 international partnerships, 122 ongoing studies, 201 publications, 103 keynote and invited presentations by scientists, 163 outreach events.
Recognized as one of Canada’s top 10 research-intensive hospital
Baycrest is continuing to grow on the national and international scene. We have achieved recognition throughout Canada but seek to continue pursuing wider recognition as an international hub for brain health research, through our partnerships and collaborations.
Kimel Centre (NEW)
Our brand new Kimel Family Centre for Brain Health and Wellness recently open and began participant recruitment in FY 2023/2024. The goal of this centre is to act as a “living-lab,” where cutting-edge on-site research is taking place.
Outputs – 182 participants consented, 114 participants completed baseline assessment visit, projected to hit minimum goal of 450 participants recruited by Spring 2025.
We look forward to sharing the outcomes and learnings for this revolutionary programming and research in the coming years.