
To provide responsive, innovative, evidence-informed education for our patients, residents, families, and broader community.
Ontario Centre for Learning, Research, and Innovation (CLRI) in Long-Term Care
3,344 team members, students, clinicians trained; 58 education events offered; 212 LTC homes reached.
Strengthening the long-term care sector since 2012 by ensuring staff provide enhanced care delivery to residents and their families, as well as, improving recruitment and retention.
As Dementia cases increase, the needs of our population in long-term care continues to become more diverse, and act as a critical area of learning. It continues to be vital that we train students and staff in long-term care facilities to provide the best care possible, in a person-centred supportive manner.
To learn more about research and education at Baycrest, see our BARE annual report.
Defy Dementia (NEW)
Brain health awareness events/panels in 6 cities across Canada; 11 podcast episodes, 5.0 review rating, nominated for prestigious international Webby award.
Launched in July 2023, the podcast has aired monthly episodes to raise awareness on key factors that can contribute to your risk of developing dementia and strategies to decrease your risk and empower individuals to optimize their aging journey.
As it became clear there was a lack of accessible information on what dementia is, what puts someone at risk of developing it, and how to provide care to someone with a dementia diagnosis, we launched the podcast to provide this easy to digest information. The inclusion of infographics and related resources, has also been proven to be a help to listeners who want further information or need a concise visual to summarize the material after listening.
Patient, Family, and Consumer Education (PFCE)
127 library literature searches, 3,996 visits to library homepage.
Families feel supported, more informed.
We continue to strive to have a more accessible database for users of all ages.
89% of students recommend Baycrest as a placement, 18 academic partnerships, 361 tele-education events, 256 clinical teaching rounds, 105 continuing education events, 29 presentations & publications.
We are focusing on creating strong collaborations with higher education institutions and have developed a positive reputation as a placement organization.
We continue to listen to feedback from our placement students and our partners in higher educational institutions, to ensure we are providing positive and rigorous training experiences.