Board of Directors

The Baycrest Foundation is governed by a board of directors. We thank our board members for their dedication to the Baycrest Foundation’s mission, vision and values.


Russell Goldstein

Vice Chair

Jon Feldman

President and Chief Executive Officer

Josh Cooper

Board of Directors

Lori Ann Beausoleil
Ilsa Blidner
Michael Bregman
David Bresver
Heath Cockburn
Jeremy Cole
Richard Crenian
Mark Diamond
Lisa Draper
Jonathan Feldman, Vice Chair
Derek Flood
Chrissy Gamble
Fern Glowinsky

Noah Godfrey
Zach Goldstein
Robert Harlang
Rachel Kimel
Warren Kimel
Anthony Longo
David Posluns
Shael Rosenbaum
Claire Santamaria
Jamie Schwartz
Ali Spinner
Elisa Swern
Joanna Track

Honorary Directors

Ronald Appleby, Tobie Bekhor, Joseph Gottdenker, Barbara Hania, Sarena Koschitzky, Anita Lapidus, Wendy Myles, Margaret Nightingale, Jeffery Ross, Peter Slan

Director Emeritus

Laurence Goldstein, Molline Green, Lorne Greenspoon, Michael Levy, Harley Mintz, Philip Reichmann, Hinda Silber, Felicia Salomon