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Young Caregiver Support

Chances are, you stumbled across this page because you are a young caregiver. You aren’t just a young caregiver—you are a superhero, navigating the growing complexities of adulthood while offering support to a loved one experiencing cognitive decline. You are also human and are experiencing a full range of emotions that go hand in hand with this type of diagnosis, along with the stress that comes with taking on a supportive role like this. Most importantly, you are not alone. One in four Canadians will find themselves in a caregiving role at some point in their life (you’re just getting a head start). You are also acquiring incredible skills related to communication, organization, multi tasking and emotional intelligence—skills that take most people decades to develop.

Thanks to the generosity of the Diamond Family, we are here to connect caregivers like yourself with resources, support and information to make this often unpredictable journey as smooth as it can be.

Watch: The Journey of 4 Young Caregivers


Watch Becca's Story


Watch Billy's Story


Watch Carla's Story


Watch Olivia's Story

Read: The Young Caregiver Blog

Listen: The Defy Dementia Podcast

Defy Dementia is a podcast “For Anyone with a Brain”. This empowering audio resource by Baycrest is focused on reducing dementia risk and supporting caregivers. Hosted by Jay Ingram and Dr. Allison Sekuler, each episode features expert interviews, inspiring stories, and practical advice to help you optimize brain health as you age.