About a decade ago, Bernyce and Marvin Kalifer dedicated a stained glass dome in the Morris and Sally Justein Heritage Museum in honour of Bernyce’s parents – Ben and Vera Walker, who gave their time and support to Baycrest.
But the connection goes back even further. Bernyce’s grandmother Raya Shendroff supported the downtown Toronto Jewish Old Folks Home and was a board member long before Baycrest was established on Bathurst Street.
So it was a special event when Marvin and Bernyce and their children – Ron Kalifer, Debbie Steinberg and Ellen Fialkov – and grandchildren gathered in the Spring of 2015 to launch a new chapter celebrating the family connection: the 10-year Kalifer Family Heritage and Legacy Project.
They donated a giant touchscreen and Museum on Wheels cart that is fitted with audio-visual recording equipment to capture the stories of residents. These stories are being archived and can be viewed on the screen next to the museum at Baycrest.
“We can make these amazing stories live on forever and ever.”
“The main goal of the project is to use the audio-visual equipment to record the incredible stories of our seniors. With the help of Baycrest, we can make these amazing stories live on forever and ever,” said Ron Kalifer.
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